Names That Mean Sleep

Names That Mean Sleep


Exploring the Meaning of Sleep Across Cultures: Names That Symbolize Rest and Rejuvenation




“Sleep is a universal human experience, and across different cultures and languages, it is often associated with various names and meanings. In this comprehensive list, we explore the diverse ways in which the concept of sleep is expressed in the top 20 languages around the world. From English to Finnish, each language offers unique and evocative names that capture the essence of rest, tranquility, and dreaming.”

Sleep, a fundamental aspect of human life, is a universal experience that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries. Across different cultures and languages, the concept of sleep is often associated with various names and meanings, each reflecting the unique perspectives and interpretations of rest, tranquility, and dreaming. 


1. English

  •    – Slade
  •    – Morpheus
  •    – Sominus
  •    – Dormio
  •    – Nox
  •    – Hypnos
  •    – Resta
  •    – Dreama
  •    – Somnus
  •    – Slumber


2. Spanish

  • – Sueño
  • – Dormir
  • – Reposo
  • – Morfeo
  • Noche
  • – Descanso
  • – Letargo
  • – Sueñito
  • – Adormecido
  • – Tranquilo


3. French

  • – Sommeil
  • – Dormir
  • – Repos
  • – Morpheus
  • – Nuit
  • – Endormi
  • – Rêverie
  • – Paisible
  • – Assoupi
  • – Serein


4. German

  • – Schlaf
  • – Schlummern
  • – Ruhe
  • – Morpheus
  • – Nacht
  • – Schlummernd
  • – Träumerei
  • – Friedlich
  • – Schlafend
  • – Ruhig


5. Italian

  • – Sonno
  • – Dormire
  • – Riposo
  • – Morfeo
  • – Notte
  • – Assopito
  • – Sogno
  • – Tranquillo
  • – Dormiente
  • – Sereno


6. Russian

  • – Сон (Son)
  • – Спать (Spat’)
  • – Покой (Pokoy)
  • – Морфей (Morfey)
  • – Ночь (Noch’)
  • – Спящий (Spyashchiy)
  • – Грёзы (Gryozy)
  • – Спокойный (Spokoinyy)
  • – Спящий (Spyashchiy)
  • – Спокойствие (Spokoystviye)


7. Arabic

  • – نوم (Nawm)
  • – نائم (Na’im)
  • – راحة (Rahat)
  • – مورفيوس (Morfius)
  • – ليل (Layl)
  • – هادئ (Hadi)
  • – حلم (Hulm)
  • – هادئ (Hadi)
  • – نائم (Na’im)
  • – سكون (Sukun)


8. Chinese (Mandarin)

  • – 睡眠 (Shuìmián)
  • – 睡觉 (Shuìjiào)
  • – 休息 (Xiūxi)
  • – 摩菲斯 (Mófēisī)
  • – 夜晚 (Yèwǎn)
  • – 宁静 (Níngjìng)
  • – 梦 (Mèng)
  • – 宁静 (Níngjìng)
  • – 睡着 (Shuìzhe)
  • – 安详 (Ānxiáng)


9. Japanese

  • – 眠り (Nemuri)
  • – 眠る (Nemuru)
  • – 休息 (Kyūsoku)
  • – モルフェウス (Morufeusu)
  • – 夜 (Yoru)
  • – 平穏 (Heion)
  • – 夢 (Yume)
  • – 平穏 (Heion)
  • – 眠っている (Nemutte iru)
  • – 安らか (Yasuraka)


10. Hindi

  • – नींद (Neend)
  • – सोना (Sona)
  • – आराम (Aaram)
  • – मोर्फियस (Morpheus)
  • – रात (Raat)
  • – शांति (Shanti)
  • – सपना (Sapna)
  • – शांत (Shant)
  • – सोता हुआ (Sota hua)
  • – शांतिपूर्ण (Shantipurn)



11. Greek

  • – ύπνος (ýpnos)
  • – κοιμημένος (koimiménos)
  • – ξεκούραστος (xekoúrastos)
  • – Μορφέας (Morféas)
  • – νύχτα (nýhta)
  • – ήρεμος (íremos)
  • – όνειρο (óneiro)
  • – ήρεμος (íremos)
  • – κοιμώμενος (koimómenos)
  • – γαλήνιος (galínios)


12. Korean

  • – 잠 (jam)
  • – 자다 (jada)
  • – 휴식 (hyusik)
  • – 모르피우스 (moleupius)
  • – 밤 (bam)
  • – 평온 (pyeong-on)
  • – 꿈 (kkum)
  • – 평온 (pyeong-on)
  • – 자고 있는 (jago inneun)
  • – 고요한 (goyohan)


13. Turkish

  • – uyku (uyku)
  • – uyumak (uyumak)
  • – dinlenme (dinlenme)
  • – Morpheus (Morpheus)
  • – gece (gece)
  • – huzurlu (huzurlu)
  • – rüya (rüya)
  • – huzurlu (huzurlu)
  • – uyuyan (uyuyan)
  • – sakin (sakin)


14. Portuguese

  • – sono (sono)
  • – dormir (dormir)
  • – descanso (descanso)
  • – Morfeu (Morfeu)
  • – noite (noite)
  • – tranquilo (tranquilo)
  • – sonho (sonho)
  • – tranquilo (tranquilo)
  • – adormecido (adormecido)
  • – sereno (sereno)


15. Polish

  • – sen (sen)
  • – spać (spaç)
  • – odpoczynek (odpoczynek)
  • – Morfeusz (Morfeusz)
  • – noc (noc)
  • – spokojny (spokojny)
  • – sen (sen)
  • – spokojny (spokojny)
  • – śpiący (śpiący)
  • – spokojny (spokojny)


16. Swedish

  • – sömn (sömn)
  • – sova (sova)
  • – vila (vila)
  • – Morfeus (Morfeus)
  • – natt (natt)
  • – fridfull (fridfull)
  • – dröm (dröm)
  • – fridfull (fridfull)
  • – sovande (sovande)
  • – fridfull (fridfull)


17. Dutch

  • – slaap (slaap)
  • – slapen (slapen)
  • – rust (rust)
  • – Morpheus (Morpheus)
  • – nacht (nacht)
  • – vredig (vredig)
  • – droom (droom)
  • – vredig (vredig)
  • – slapend (slapend)
  • – sereen (sereen)


18. Vietnamese

  • – giấc ngủ (giấc ngủ)
  • – ngủ (ngủ)
  • – nghỉ ngơi (nghỉ ngơi)
  • – Morpheus (Morpheus)
  • – đêm (đêm)
  • – thanh bình (thanh bình)
  • – giấc mơ (giấc mơ)
  • – thanh bình (thanh bình)
  • – đang ngủ (đang ngủ)
  • – yên bình (yên bình)


19. Thai

  • – นอน (norn)
  • – หลับ (làp)
  • – พักผ่อน (phak ph̀̀xn)
  • – Morpheus (Morpheus)
  • – ค่ำ (kh̀m)
  • – สงบ (sngb)
  • – ฝัน (fạn)
  • – สงบ (sngb)
  • – กำลังนอน (kạng lạng norn)
  • – สงบ (sngb)


20. Finnish

  • – uni (uni)
  • – nukkua (nukkua)
  • – lepo (lepo)
  • – Morfeus (Morfeus)
  • – yö (yö)
  • – rauhallinen (rauhallinen)
  • – uni (uni)
  • – rauhallinen (rauhallinen)
  • – nukkuva (nukkuva)
  • – rauhallinen (rauhallinen)



Names That Mean Sleep

“In conclusion, this compilation of ‘Names That Mean Sleep’ in 20 different languages highlights the rich linguistic diversity and cultural interpretations of the universal need for rest and rejuvenation. Whether it’s the peaceful ‘Ruhe’ in German, the serene ‘静’ in Chinese, or the tranquil ‘शांति’ in Hindi, these names reflect the deep significance of sleep in human life. Across borders and languages, the importance of a good night’s sleep remains a cherished and fundamental aspect of human well-being. This exploration serves as a reminder of the common human experience of seeking solace in the embrace of sleep, regardless of the language we speak or the culture we belong to.”

I hold a master's degree in Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and have 6 years of experience as an article writer. Currently, I am the Founder of Team Mentor. If you want to know more about me, click on the three dots