Mantasha Name Meaning In Urdu

Mantasha Name Meaning In Urdu


منتشا نام کا مطلب عربی زبان سے لیا گیا ہے “منتشی” جو “خواہش مند” یا “طمع رکھنے والا” کا معنی رکھتا ہے۔ یہ تمنا اور آرزو کی ایک جذبہ رکھتا ہے، جو کچھ عظیم یا عزیز کی خواہش کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔ منتشا نام وہ آرزوئں اور خواب جو اس نام کے حامل افراد کے دل میں بسی ہوتی ہیں کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔


MeaningDesired, Aspired
Lucky StoneAmethyst
Lucky MetalSilver
Lucky DayThursday
Lucky Number7
Lucky ColorPurple


Mantasha Name Meaning In English




The name Mantasha is a unique and beautiful name that holds significance in various aspects. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the name Mantasha, its religious connotations, famous personalities associated with the name, its historical background, current population, astrological sign, lucky stone, lucky metal, lucky day, lucky number, lucky color, and conclude with an overall understanding of the name’s significance.



The name Mantasha has its roots in the Arabic language. It is derived from the word “Mantaasha,” which means “desired” or “aspired.” The name carries a sense of ambition and longing, symbolizing the desire for something great or cherished. It reflects the aspirations and dreams of individuals who bear this name.




The name Mantasha is predominantly used in Islamic cultures and is popular among Muslim families. It is often chosen for its positive connotations and the sense of ambition it embodies. The name Mantasha is considered to be a reflection of one’s hopes and dreams, aligning with the teachings of Islam that encourage individuals to strive for excellence and fulfill their aspirations.


Famous Personality


While there may not be any widely recognized famous personalities specifically named Mantasha, individuals bearing this name have the potential to make a mark in various fields. The name Mantasha carries a sense of ambition and determination, qualities that can drive individuals to achieve greatness in their chosen endeavors.




The historical background of the name Mantasha is deeply rooted in Arabic culture. It has been used for generations, passed down through families, and carries a sense of tradition and heritage. The name’s origins can be traced back to ancient Arabic civilizations, where it was chosen to reflect the aspirations and desires of parents for their children.


Currently Population


As of now, it is challenging to determine the exact population of individuals named Mantasha. However, given its popularity in Islamic cultures, it can be assumed that there is a significant number of people bearing this name worldwide. The name Mantasha continues to be chosen by parents who wish to instill a sense of ambition and aspiration in their children.


Astrological Sign


Individuals named Mantasha may fall under different astrological signs depending on their birthdate. The astrological sign associated with a person named Mantasha can influence their personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. It is advisable to consult an astrologer or refer to a reliable horoscope source to determine the specific astrological sign for individuals named Mantasha.


Astrological SignDates
AriesMarch 21 – April 19
TaurusApril 20 – May 20
GeminiMay 21 – June 20
CancerJune 21 – July 22
LeoJuly 23 – August 22
VirgoAugust 23 – September 22
LibraSeptember 23 – October 22
ScorpioOctober 23 – November 21
SagittariusNovember 22 – December 21
CapricornDecember 22 – January 19
AquariusJanuary 20 – February 18
PiscesFebruary 19 – March 20



Lucky Stone


The lucky stone associated with the name Mantasha is the Amethyst. This beautiful purple gemstone is believed to bring clarity of mind, spiritual growth, and protection against negative energies. It is said to enhance intuition and promote a sense of calmness and balance in the lives of individuals named Mantasha.


Lucky Metal


The lucky metal associated with the name Mantasha is Silver. Silver is known for its purity and versatility. It is believed to have healing properties and is associated with emotional well-being. Wearing silver jewelry or having silver objects in their surroundings can bring positive energy and good fortune to individuals named Mantasha.


Lucky Day


The lucky day for individuals named Mantasha is Thursday. Thursday is associated with the planet Jupiter, which represents expansion, growth, and good luck. It is believed that important decisions and endeavors undertaken on Thursdays have a higher chance of success for individuals named Mantasha.


Lucky Number


The lucky number associated with the name Mantasha is 7. The number 7 is considered to be a mystical and spiritual number in many cultures. It symbolizes wisdom, intuition, and inner strength. Individuals named Mantasha may find that the number 7 resonates with them and brings them good fortune in various aspects of life.


Lucky Color


The lucky color associated with the name Mantasha is Purple. Purple is a color often associated with royalty, spirituality, and ambition. It represents creativity, wisdom, and individuality. Incorporating the color purple into their lives, whether through clothing, accessories, or their surroundings, can bring positive energy and enhance the qualities associated with the name Mantasha.



Mantasha name meaning in urdu

The name Mantasha holds a deep meaning and significance in various aspects. It reflects the aspirations and desires of individuals, symbolizing their ambition and longing for something great. With its roots in Arabic culture, the name Mantasha is predominantly used in Islamic communities. While there may not be widely recognized famous personalities specifically named Mantasha, individuals bearing this name have the potential to achieve greatness in their chosen fields.

The name’s historical background is rooted in Arabic civilizations, and it continues to be chosen by parents who wish to instill a sense of ambition and aspiration in their children. The lucky stone, metal, day, number, and color associated with the name Mantasha further enhance its significance and bring positive energy to individuals who bear this name. Overall, the name Mantasha is a beautiful and meaningful choice that embodies the hopes and dreams of those who carry it.

I hold a master's degree in Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and have 6 years of experience as an article writer. Currently, I am the Founder of Team Mentor. If you want to know more about me, click on the three dots

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