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ToggleAllah Name Meaning In Urdu
The name of Allah in the Urdu language is “اللہ” (Allah). It is one of the sacred names in the Islamic faith and holds great significance for Muslims. Allah’s name is a central point of the teachings of Islam.
The meaning of Allah’s name is “The Greatest” or “The Lord of All.” This name signifies the immense greatness and power of Allah. The usage of Allah’s name in Urdu is a symbol of faith for Muslims.
Allah’s name is mentioned in the Quran along with 99 other names, collectively known as “Asma-ul-Husna” or “The Beautiful Names of Allah.” These names represent the special attributes of Allah.
Here are the 99 names of Allah:
Serial Number | Arabic Name | Urdu Meaning | English Meaning |
1 | الرحمن | رحم کرنے والا | The Most Gracious |
2 | الرحيم | مہربان | The Most Merciful |
3 | الملك | بادشاہ | The King |
4 | القدوس | پاک | The Holy |
5 | السلام | سلامتی | The Source of Peace |
6 | المؤمن | ایمان والا | The Guardian of Faith |
7 | المهيمن | حفاظت کرنے والا | The Protector |
8 | العزيز | عزت والا | The Mighty |
9 | الجبار | زبردست | The Compeller |
10 | المتكبر | غرور والا | The Majestic |
11 | الخالق | خالق | The Creator |
12 | البارئ | پیدا کرنے والا | The Originator |
13 | المصور | صورت بنانے والا | The Fashioner |
14 | الغفار | بخشنے والا | The Ever-Forgiving |
15 | القهار | غالب | The All-Prevailing |
16 | الوهاب | بہت دینے والا | The Bestower |
17 | الرزاق | رزق دینے والا | The Provider |
18 | الفتاح | کامیاب | The Opener |
19 | العليم | علم والا | The All-Knowing |
20 | القابض | قابو کرنے والا | The Restrainer |
21 | الباسط | پھیلانے والا | The Extender |
22 | الخافض | نیچے لانے والا | The Abaser |
23 | الرافع | اوپر لانے والا | The Raiser |
24 | المعز | عزت دینے والا | The Honorer |
25 | المذل | ذلیل کرنے والا | The Humiliator |
26 | السميع | سننے والا | The All-Hearing |
27 | البصير | دیکھنے والا | The All-Seeing |
28 | الحكم | حکمت والا | The Judge |
29 | العدل | انصاف والا | The Just |
30 | اللطيف | لطف والا | The Subtle |
31 | الخبير | خبر رکھنے والا | The All-Aware |
32 | الحليم | صبر والا | The Forbearing |
33 | العظيم | عظمت والا | The Magnificent |
34 | الغفور | بخشنے والا | The All-Forgiving |
35 | الشكور | شکر کرنے والا | The Appreciative |
36 | العلي | عالی | The Most High |
37 | الكبير | بڑا | The Great |
38 | الحفيظ | حفاظت کرنے والا | The Preserver |
39 | المقيت | روزی دینے والا | The Nourisher |
40 | الحسيب | حساب لينے والا | The Reckoner |
41 | الجليل | عزت والا | The Majestic |
42 | الكريم | کرم کرنے والا | The Generous |
43 | الرقيب | نگران | The Watchful |
44 | المجيب | جواب دینے والا | The Responsive |
45 | الواسع | وسعت دینے والا | The All-Encompassing |
46 | الحكيم | حکمت والا | The Wise |
47 | الودود | محبت کرنے والا | The Loving |
48 | المجيد | عظمت والا | The Glorious |
49 | الباعث | بیدار کرنے والا | The Resurrector |
50 | الشهيد | گواہ | The Witness |
51 | الحق | سچا | The Truth |
52 | الوكيل | سپردگار | The Trustee |
53 | القوي | مضبوط | The Strong |
54 | المتين | مستحکم | The Firm |
55 | الولي | دوست | The Friend |
56 | الحميد | حمد والا | The Praiseworthy |
57 | المحصي | حساب کرنے والا | The Accountant |
58 | المبدئ | آغاز کرنے والا | The Originator |
59 | المعيد | دوبارہ لانے والا | The Restorer |
60 | المحيي | زندہ کرنے والا | The Giver of Life |
61 | المميت | مارنے والا | The Taker of Life |
62 | الحي | زندہ | The Ever-Living |
63 | القيوم | قائم رکھنے والا | The Self-Sustaining |
64 | الواجد | پانے والا | The Finder |
65 | الماجد | عظمت والا | The Glorious |
66 | الواحد | ایک | The Unique |
67 | الاحد | بے نیاز | The Indivisible |
68 | الصمد | بے نیاز | The Eternal |
69 | القادر | طاقت والا | The All-Powerful |
70 | المقتدر | قدرت والا | The Omnipotent |
71 | المقدم | پیش رکھنے والا | The Expediter |
72 | المؤخر | پیچھے کرنے والا | The Delayer |
73 | الأول | پہلا | The First |
74 | الأخر | آخری | The Last |
75 | الظاهر | ظاہر | The Manifest |
76 | الباطن | باطن | The Hidden |
77 | الوالي | حامی | The Patron |
78 | المتعالي | بلند | The Sublime |
79 | البر | نیک | The Benefactor |
80 | التواب | توبہ قبول کرنے والا | The Acceptor of Repentance |
81 | المنتقم | بدلہ لینے والا | The Avenger |
82 | العفو | بخشش | The Pardoner |
83 | الرؤوف | نرمی والا | The Kind |
84 | مالك الملك | بادشاہی کا مالک | The Owner of All Sovereignty |
85 | ذو الجلال والإكرام | عظمت و عزت والا | The Lord of Majesty and Bounty |
86 | المقسط | انصاف کرنے والا | The Equitable |
87 | الجامع | جمع کرنے والا | The Gatherer |
88 | الغني | غنی | The Self-Sufficient |
89 | المغني | غنی کرنے والا | The Enricher |
90 | المانع | روکنے والا | The Withholder |
91 | الضار | نقصان پہنچانے والا | The Distressor |
92 | النافع | فائدہ دینے والا | The Benefactor |
93 | النور | روشنی | The Light |
94 | الهادي | راہ دکھانے والا | The Guide |
95 | البديع | بے مثال | The Incomparable |
96 | الباقي | ہمیشہ رہنے والا | The Everlasting |
97 | الوارث | وارث | The Inheritor |
98 | الرشيد | ہدایت کرنے والا | The Righteous Teacher |
99 | الصبور | صبر کرنے والا | The Patient One |
The usage of Allah’s names is a part of worship for Muslims. They recite, remember, and recite these names to seek closeness to Allah and understand His greatness.
The usage of Allah’s names serves as a means for Muslims to turn towards Allah and comprehend His magnificence. These names remind them of how Allah is the greatest and all-powerful, knowing everything.
The usage of Allah’s names is also a way for Muslims to incorporate His teachings into their daily lives. These names remind them of how to attain Allah’s pleasure and how to follow His commandments.
The name of Allah holds great importance in the Urdu language. The usage of Allah’s names is a symbol of faith for Muslims and guides them towards seeking closeness to Allah and living their lives according to His teachings. Muslims strive to remember and utilize these names to live in accordance with Allah’s will.