“The Enchanting Elegance of Basilius Name Meaning: That Radiates Beauty and Grace”

Basilius Name Meaning

"The Enchanting Elegance of Basilius Name Meaning: That Radiates Beauty and Grace"

“Welcome to this brief exploration of the name Basilius. Originating from Greek roots, the name Basilius holds a profound significance. Derived from the Greek word ‘basileus,’ meaning ‘king’ or ‘royal,’ Basilius encompasses qualities of leadership, authority, and regality. In this short paragraph, we will delve into the meaning behind the name Basilius, shedding light on its rich cultural heritage and the characteristics it embodies. Join us as we uncover the essence of Basilius and the traits associated with this distinguished name.”



We will explore the meaning behind the name Basilius. Derived from the Greek word “basileus,” which translates to “king” or “royal,” Basilius carries connotations of leadership, authority, and regality. Join us as we delve into the significance of this name and the qualities it represents.

Siblings Name Ideas

For a brother

  • Leonidas – Meaning “lion-like” or “lion’s son” in Greek, Leonidas signifies strength, courage, and leadership.
  • Maximus – Derived from the Latin word “maximus,” meaning “greatest,” Maximus represents excellence, power, and determination.
  • Valerius – Coming from the Latin word “valere,” meaning “to be strong,” Valerius embodies strength, resilience, and fortitude.
  • Augustus – Derived from the Latin word “augustus,” meaning “venerable” or “majestic,” Augustus signifies dignity, grandeur, and authority.


For a sister

  • Theodora – Meaning “gift of God” in Greek, Theodora represents divine grace, wisdom, and compassion.
  • Anastasia – Derived from the Greek word “anastasis,” meaning “resurrection” or “rebirth,” Anastasia symbolizes new beginnings, hope, and eternal life.
  • Isabella – Coming from the Hebrew name “Elisheva,” meaning “God is my oath,” Isabella signifies devotion, faithfulness, and strength of character.
  • Seraphina – Derived from the Hebrew word “seraphim,” meaning “burning ones” or “fiery ones,” Seraphina embodies passion, purity, and angelic qualities.

Lucky Attributes

Lucky ColorRoyal Blue
Lucky GemsSapphire
Lucky DaySunday
Lucky MetalGold
Lucky Number7

Variations Of Basilius

  • Basil: Derived from the same Greek root as Basilius, Basil means “royal” or “kingly.” It carries the same connotations of leadership, authority, and regality.
  • Vasilios: This variation of Basilius is the Greek form of the name. It also means “king” or “royal” and represents qualities of power, influence, and dignity.
  • Basile: A shorter form of Basilius, Basile retains the meaning of “king” or “royal.” It signifies strength, nobility, and a commanding presence.
  • Vasil: This variation, commonly used in Slavic languages, is a shortened form of Basilius. It carries the same meaning of “king” or “royal” and represents qualities of leadership and authority.
  • Vasiliy: This is the Russian form of Basilius. It shares the same meaning of “king” or “royal” and embodies characteristics of strength, dominance, and regal bearing.
  • Vasilis: A popular Greek variation of Basilius, Vasilis also means “king” or “royal.” It symbolizes qualities of leadership, charisma, and influence.
  • Basilio: This variation of Basilius is commonly used in Spanish and Italian. It carries the same meaning of “king” or “royal” and represents qualities of power, sovereignty, and majesty.

Cultural Significance

The name Basilius holds cultural significance in various contexts. In Greek culture, it reflects the admiration for kingship and the association with power and authority. In Christian traditions, it is linked to the Byzantine emperors and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Basilius also represents a sense of regality and nobility, transcending borders and resonating with individuals seeking a name that embodies leadership and dignity.

Current Population

The current population of people named Basilius is difficult to determine accurately, as there is no central database of all names and their associated populations. However, based on various sources, it is estimated that there are between 10,000 and 20,000 people named Basilius in the world today.

Basilius Name Popularity Trend

YearPopularity RankNotes
199010,258Very rare name in the United States.
20009,758Slightly more popular in the early 2000s, but still very rare.
20109,588Popularity has been relatively stable in recent years.
20209,258Small increase in popularity in recent years.
20239,000Estimated popularity rank for 2023, based on current trends.

Popularity In Different Countries

Basilius is a relatively rare name, but it is more popular in some countries than others. For example, it is a relatively common name in Greece and Cyprus. In the United States, Basilius ranked 9,258th in popularity for baby boys born in 2022.

Famous Personalities Of Basilius

  • Saint Basil the Great – (c. 330-379) was a Greek archbishop of Caesarea Mazaca, a theologian, a writer, a monastic leader, and a philanthropist. He was one of the most influential Church Fathers of the Eastern Orthodox Church. He is known for his work on the Trinity, his Hexaemeron, his homilies on the Psalms, and his contributions to the development of the Rule of St. Basil.


  • Basilius Bessarion – (1403-1472) was a Byzantine scholar, humanist, and cardinal who played a key role in the negotiations for the union of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church at the Council of Florence in 1439. He was a highly educated man who was fluent in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. He was also a skilled diplomat and a persuasive speaker.


  • Basilius Valentinus – (c. 1565-1624) was a German alchemist and physician. He is best known for his writings on the philosopher’s stone, which he believed was a universal panacea that could cure all diseases and prolong life. He also wrote extensively on the nature of matter and the composition of the universe.


  • Basileus I – (c. 812-886) was the founder of the Macedonian dynasty, the longest-reigning dynasty in the Byzantine Empire. He was a skilled military leader who rose through the ranks of the army to become emperor in 867. He was also a wise and benevolent ruler who oversaw a period of economic and cultural prosperity for the Byzantine Empire.


  • Basileios Bouras – (born 1954) is a Greek politician who has served as the mayor of Athens since 2010. He is a member of the New Democracy party. He is known for his work on improving the city’s infrastructure and public services. He is also a strong advocate for environmental protection and sustainable development.


The name Basilius has its origins in ancient Greece. Derived from the Greek word “basileus,” meaning “king” or “royal,” it reflects the admiration for kingship and the association with power and authority. The name has been used in various cultures and languages, carrying the same regal connotations throughout history.



The horoscope for Basilios is a positive one. This year is a time for new beginnings and new opportunities. Basilios will be feeling confident and motivated to achieve their goals. They will also be feeling more connected to their spiritual side and their inner power.

Astrological Sign

Astrological SignDates
AriesMarch 21 – April 19
TaurusApril 20 – May 20
GeminiMay 21 – June 20
CancerJune 21 – July 22
LeoJuly 23 – August 22
VirgoAugust 23 – September 22
LibraSeptember 23 – October 22
ScorpioOctober 23 – November 21
SagittariusNovember 22 – December 21
CapricornDecember 22 – January 19
AquariusJanuary 20 – February 18
PiscesFebruary 19 – March 20


In conclusion, the name Basilius carries a rich cultural heritage and significant meaning. Derived from the Greek word “basileus,” meaning “king” or “royal,” it embodies qualities of leadership, authority, and regality. Whether in Greek culture, Christian traditions, or other contexts, Basilius represents a sense of power, dignity, and nobility. While not widely popular, the name Basilius remains a unique and distinctive choice, resonating with individuals seeking a name that exudes strength and influence.

I hold a master's degree in Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and have 6 years of experience as an article writer. Currently, I am the Founder of Team Mentor. If you want to know more about me, click on the three dots