Uzma Name Meaning In Urdu

Uzma Name Meaning In Urdu



نام عظمیٰ کا اصل ماخذ عربی زبان سے ہے اور اس کا مطلب بہت عمیق ہوتا ہے۔ عظمیٰ عربی لفظ “عظم” سے نکلا ہے جو “سب سے بڑا” یا “سب سے عالی” کا معنی رکھتا ہے۔ یہ عظمت، برتری اور عمدگی کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔ نام عظمیٰ مثبت مفہوم رکھتا ہے جو توانائی، قیادت اور مضبوط شخصیت کی خصوصیات کو عکس دیتا ہے۔


MeaningThe greatest
Lucky StoneRuby
Lucky MetalGold
Lucky DaySunday
Lucky Number3
Lucky ColorRed



Uzma Name Meaning In English





The name Uzma is a beautiful and unique name that holds significance in various cultures and religions. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the name Uzma, its religious connotations, famous personalities associated with the name, its historical background, current population, astrological sign, lucky stone, lucky metal, lucky day, lucky number, lucky color, and conclude with an overall understanding of the name’s significance.




The name Uzma has its roots in Arabic and holds a profound meaning. Uzma is derived from the Arabic word “Uzam,” which means “the greatest” or “the most supreme.” It signifies greatness, excellence, and superiority. The name Uzma carries a positive connotation, reflecting the qualities of ambition, leadership, and a strong personality.




The name Uzma is not specific to any particular religion and can be found in various cultures and faiths. It is commonly used among Muslims, as Arabic names have a significant presence in Islamic traditions. However, the name Uzma is not limited to Islam and can be found among individuals of different religious backgrounds.


Famous Personality


While there may not be a widely recognized famous personality specifically named Uzma, there are numerous individuals who have achieved greatness and excellence in their respective fields. The name Uzma represents the potential for greatness and serves as an inspiration for individuals to strive for success and make a positive impact in their lives and society.




The historical background of the name Uzma is deeply rooted in Arabic culture. Arabic names have a rich history and have been passed down through generations, carrying the legacy of their ancestors. The name Uzma has been used for centuries, symbolizing the greatness and superiority of individuals who bear this name.


Currently Population


The current population of individuals named Uzma is difficult to determine accurately, as it varies across different regions and countries. However, the name Uzma continues to be used by parents who appreciate its meaning and significance. It is a name that transcends borders and is embraced by people from diverse backgrounds.


Astrological Sign


For individuals named Uzma, their astrological sign depends on their date of birth. The astrological sign associated with the name Uzma can be determined by consulting an astrologer or referring to a reliable source that provides accurate information based on astrology.


Astrological SignDates
AriesMarch 21 – April 19
TaurusApril 20 – May 20
GeminiMay 21 – June 20
CancerJune 21 – July 22
LeoJuly 23 – August 22
VirgoAugust 23 – September 22
LibraSeptember 23 – October 22
ScorpioOctober 23 – November 21
SagittariusNovember 22 – December 21
CapricornDecember 22 – January 19
AquariusJanuary 20 – February 18
PiscesFebruary 19 – March 20



Lucky Stone


The lucky stone associated with the name Uzma is believed to be the Ruby. The Ruby is a precious gemstone known for its vibrant red color and is associated with passion, courage, and success. Wearing a Ruby can bring good fortune and enhance the positive qualities associated with the name Uzma.


Lucky Metal


The lucky metal associated with the name Uzma is Gold. Gold is a precious metal that symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and success. It is believed that wearing gold jewelry or having gold elements in one’s surroundings can attract positive energy and bring good luck to individuals named Uzma.


Lucky Day


The lucky day associated with the name Uzma is Sunday. Sunday is considered a day of power, success, and achievement. It is believed that important decisions and endeavors undertaken on a Sunday have a higher chance of success for individuals named Uzma.


Lucky Number

Lucky Number

The lucky number associated with the name Uzma is 3. The number 3 is considered a powerful and auspicious number in many cultures. It represents creativity, communication, and optimism. Individuals named Uzma may find that the number 3 resonates with their personality traits and brings them luck and success.


Lucky Color

The lucky color associated with the name Uzma is Red. Red is a vibrant and energetic color that symbolizes passion, strength, and determination. Incorporating the color red into one’s life, whether through clothing, accessories, or surroundings, can bring positive energy and enhance the qualities associated with the name Uzma.



Uzma Name Meaning In Urdu

The name Uzma holds a deep meaning and significance across various cultures and religions. It represents greatness, excellence, and ambition. While its historical background is rooted in Arabic culture, the name Uzma is embraced by individuals from diverse backgrounds. The name Uzma inspires individuals to strive for success and make a positive impact in their lives and society. With its association with the Ruby, Gold, Sunday, the number 3, and the color red, the name Uzma is believed to bring good luck and enhance positive qualities. Overall, the name Uzma is a powerful and meaningful name that carries a sense of greatness and potential for individuals who bear it.

I hold a master's degree in Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and have 6 years of experience as an article writer. Currently, I am the Founder of Team Mentor. If you want to know more about me, click on the three dots

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